Cloud-based computing technology is on government shopping lists
Government administrators (local, state federal) are planning to buy technology in the next 18 months, based on the results of an exclusive survey of readers of Penton magazines. About 72.5 percent of respondents say they plan to buy technology in the next 18 months. Cloud-based computing and technology that enables cost reduction are at the top of the list. Readers were asked, In which of the following new technology areas is your agency or department purchasing in the next 18 months? Check all that apply.
The tech areas and response rates, are shown below:
Answer Options Response (Percent)
Cloud computing 22.9%
Cost reduction 16.5%
Collaboration 14.4%
Citizen engagement 21.2%
Big Data 3.8%
Security 28.0%
Mobility/BYOD 14.4%
Modernizing business apps 44.1%
None 27.5%
Other (please specify) –a total of 10 responses
Readers wrote in the following as other technology areas where they will be investing in the next 18 months.
Case management (criminal, civil, probate)
Bio-monitoring timekeeping
In-car digital video recording systems
Vehicle Tracking (a type of GPS)
Networked Phone System
Radio Communications
Another finding from the same survey: Almost 60 percent of government respondents expect their communities to get more or about the same funding from federal and state sources in 2015. Go here for for more information on the findings.
More than four out of five administrators (86 percent) see their government’s budgets in the second half of 2014 equal to or greater than second half 2013 budgets, according to the Penton E-survey. Go here for details.
The survey results have been summarized in several sections of the 2014 mid-year GPN Keating report. Here is the link to the most recent installment.
The survey, which gathered responses from 250 government officials, polled readers of Government Product News, American City & County and Government Procurement.