Floods are one of the most devastating events to strike a community—costly in terms of lives lost, damaged or...
13th September 2024As Cleveland Mayor Justin Bibb stepped onto the Music Hall stage in the city’s Public Auditorium on March 5, 2024,...
11th September 2024The first step to solving a problem is admitting there is a problem in the first place. Much of America’s...
23rd August 2024President Biden may have had Jonestown, Md., in mind when he created his landmark Justice40 initiative. Launched in...
19th August 2024Residents are flocking to Manatee County, Fla. From 2010 to 2021, the county’s population grew by a whopping 33%...
16th August 2024Permitting is an essential aspect of sustainable growth and community development. As city governments make strides...
17th July 2024Changes in climate can have significant negative impacts on water infrastructure and utilities. To address the...
14th June 2024AI (artificial intelligence) had a big year last year. A topic once reserved for tech circles, it became a frequent...
8th April 2024In 2019, the Dallas County Council gave the green light to incorporate Vision Zero strategies into all future...
27th March 2024As cities adapt to meet the needs of increasingly diverse populations and to reflect the ever-changing dynamics of...
16th January 2024The city of Orlando is the center of a growing, thriving metropolis that is home to more than two million residents....
3rd November 2023