Infrared asphalt recyclers make seamless pavement repairs
Unlike “saw cut-remove-replace” repairs that take time and leave cold perimeter seams to fail from water seepage, the KM4-40 and KM4-48 (shown) infrared asphalt recyclers heat the existing asphalt in and around the area to be repaired to 300°, the same temperature as new asphalt from the plant, and meld it with a rejuvenation agent that revives the old, softened, scarified asphalt to a like-new state. Top inch is usually ready for raking within 7 minutes. If needed, fresh asphalt can be added to bring the repair area up to grade before compaction. The resulting permanent repair has recycled the existing asphalt and eliminated both the cost of new asphalt and disposing of the old. System also eliminates saw cutting, jack hammering, loading, trucking, and disposal. Folding trailer on steel casters maneuvers easily by hand. Applications include paving seams, catch basins, manhole repairs, utility cuts, trip hazards, and isolated pavement failures that require surface repairs due to distresses from normal use. Keizer-Morris International Inc., North Branch, Mich.