Calendar of events 1st October 2012 A list of NIGP courses, conferences and webinars for NIGP members held in December 2012 and January 2013.
NIGP’s 67th Annual Forum and Products Exposition 1st August 2012 Awards presented at NIGP Forum recognized procurement professionals “reaching new heights.”
UPPCC new certifications 1st August 2012 The Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council announces that 208 individuals successfully completed the spring 2012 UPPCC certification examinations administered in May 2012.
Performance data on the latest certification exams 1st August 2012 The UPPCC has released key performance data from the May 2012 examinations.
Calendar of events 1st June 2012 A list of NIGP courses, conferences and webinars for NIGP members held in September and October 2012.
Reader feedback 1st June 2012 Letters to the editor and reader response to Procurement Ponderable in April/May 2012 edition of Government Procurement magazine.
Calendar of events 1st April 2012 A list of NIGP courses, conferences and webinars for NIGP members held in July and August 2012.
NIGP recognizes milestone agency anniversaries 1st April 2012 A list of NIGP members celebrating milestone anniversaries in 2012.
What’s In It for Me? 1st February 2012 The NIGP Forum in Seattle this coming August will be my 16th — and I never fail to learn something new.
Young Leaders Episode 4 – Cyril Jefferson – City Councilman, High Point, North Carolina 13th October 2020
Cycling, recycling and green space: these are the top 10 most sustainable cities in the U.S. 30th August 2024