Electric-powered compressor
The W5B-30P two-stage, electric-powered compressor produces high airflow while meeting the demands of jobsites.
The W5B-30P two-stage, electric-powered compressor produces high airflow while meeting the demands of jobsites. The wheeled-portable compressor includes a 30-gallon air tank and a four-cylinder, two-stage pump with long piston strokes for producing large volumes of air at high-pressure ratings. It delivers 18.1 CFM at 100 PSI or 17.9 CFM at 175 PSI. A 5-horsepower electric motor powers the unit’s belt-driven pump. The compressor requires a 230-volt, single-phase electrical source. The unit has a directional air shroud and a large flywheel for keeping pump temperatures low, and includes thermal overload protection.
Jenny Products, Somerset, Pa.
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