Steel roof
TCS II stainless steel roofing requires no painting, provides the natural beauty of bare metal and is formulated to weather over time to an attractive gray patina.
TCS II stainless steel roofing requires no painting, provides the natural beauty of bare metal and is formulated to weather over time to an attractive gray patina. Coated with the company’s ZT alloy, TCS II is resistant to corrosion and has surpassed 30,250 hours of ASTM salt spray testing. The material can be painted or soldered. Nine preformed roofing profiles are available, including six standing seam. The product can be tailored into vertical walls, barrel applications, shingles, and customized flat or spherical shapes. TCS II is often specified for historic renovations because of its classic, traditional look.
Follansbee Roofing, Follansbee, W.Va.
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