Riding vacuum
VacRide is a vacuum on a rider platform that features dual brushes, vacuum motors and certified-HEPA filtration.
VacRide is a vacuum on a rider platform that features dual brushes, vacuum motors and certified-HEPA filtration. The unit is suited for cleaning facilities that have large, carpeted areas, such as recreation centers. The 28-inch vacuum has a standard side broom to provide a 34-inch total cleaning path. A detailing wand enables operators to clean hard-to-reach areas, such as baseboards, without leaving the operator compartment. Sight lines allow operators to see within 7 inches of the front of the machine. The vacuum fits through doorways and in standard elevators. An optional 25-foot S-wand attachment can clean areas that cannot be navigated.
Nilfisk-Advance, Plymouth, Minn.
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Tags: Public Works & Utilities