Band saw
The Double Swivel 20-inch Band Saw, DS-20 will swing 45 degrees right or 60 degrees left. The machine comes standard with a quick-slide vise for swinging
The Double Swivel 20-inch Band Saw, DS-20 will swing 45 degrees right or 60 degrees left. The machine comes standard with a quick-slide vise for swinging from right to left. Hydraulic clamping and head lift combine to make a semi-automatic cycle control. The band saw comes with a 1.25-inch blade, saw guides with carbide inserts, large material bed, and a remote control console as well as other standard features. It provides versatility and longevity with minimum maintenance. With their massive heads, large blades, and array of standard features, the machines are designed to handle tough applications.
Scotchman Industries, Philip, S.D.
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Tags: Public Works & Utilities