GOVERNMENT TECHNOLOGY/ Making government services accessible 1st February 2001 `Technology should make life easier for everyone, not just a few.’Twenty percent of Americans have some kind of disability that can get in the way of
City prepares for growth by updating technology 1st February 2001 A suburb of Atlanta, East Point, Ga., sees itself as the ideal location for commuters seeking refuge from city life and for industries seeking a location
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/ Town makes technology part of revitalization 1st January 2001 Like many small, agricultural communities, Manning, Iowa, was suffering from a decline in population and industry. To reverse that trend, the Manning
GIS/ County saves by outsourcing its Web site 1st January 2001 Warren County, Ohio, has begun providing Internet access to its digital parcel maps and property records through a Web site hosting arrangement with a
GOVERNMENT TECHNOLOGY/Federal law allows electronic signatures 1st December 2000 As recently as three years ago, local government Web sites were as rare as rain in the desert. But residents demanded to be served electronically – at
GIS on the NET 1st November 2000 Five years ago, residents who wanted maps of their property or developers who wanted maps of county zoning had to trek to the appropriate government office
Overland Park manages growth with GIS 1st November 2000 The Overland Park (Kan.) Planning and Development Services Department has taken advantage of GIS to display land development trends and to assign building
EDITOR’S VIEWPOINT/Johnny and Billy and the toy truck fight 1st October 2000 Johnny and Billy were neighbors. Billy lived in a big house with swing sets and sand boxes and tree houses. Johnny’s house was not as big, and it didn’t
GOVERNMENT TECHNOLOGY/Electronic tax systems ease filing 1st October 2000 Tax filing is not typically convenient, efficient or easy. In fact, most systems are so antiquated that they mystify the average taxpayer. In an effort
Young Leaders Episode 4 – Cyril Jefferson – City Councilman, High Point, North Carolina 13th October 2020
Cycling, recycling and green space: these are the top 10 most sustainable cities in the U.S. 30th August 2024