Cleaning solutions
The Green Time solutions line includes all-purpose cleaner/degreaser, restroom cleaner, glass cleaner concentrate, H2O2 citrus all-purpose cleaner, neutral
The Green Time solutions line includes all-purpose cleaner/degreaser, restroom cleaner, glass cleaner concentrate, H2O2 citrus all-purpose cleaner, neutral floor cleaner, floor finish and floor finish stripper. The products are solvent-, fragrance- and VOC-free, have no nonylphenol ethoxylates and harsh builders, and no Sara Title III ingredients. The products have biodegradable surfactants and are non-corrosive and non-combustible. Most of the product line is available with product color for easy identification. All products are either Green Seal- or DfE-certified, and are made from renewable resources.
Warsaw Chemical Company, Warsaw, Ind.
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