HOT TOPIC 1st April 2002 What real benefits have come/will come from increased security since Sept.11? The attacks acted as a catalyst for actions that would not have occurred
Government vs. Corporate Security 1st April 2002 Security professionals in the government arena are more likely than their counterparts in private industry to see their jobs expand with additional responsibility.
Technology’s role against terrorism 1st April 2002 The information technology revolution that transformed our economy has also given us the tools, infrastructure and commercial capabilities to make domestic
PHOTO I.D. and BEYOND 1st April 2002 Like other state governments, Washington State faces an increasing barrage of security threats from irate citizens and terrorist groups. To help head off these threats, officials of Washington’s Department of Social and Human Services (DSHS) have …
Equipment at a Discount: Fed program offers assistance to state/local enforcement efforts 1st April 2002 A federal program allowing state and local governments to buy law enforcement equipment at a discount is largely underutilized only 15 states had made
SETTING PRIORITIES to Protect the Nation’s Infrastructure 1st April 2002 Heightened attention to security makes re-examining infrastructure protection on a step-by-step basis paramount to all Americans’ safety. “Structural, cultural, institutional and statutory changes are needed to secure the nation’s infrastructure so that …
Fighting Terrorism: What Governors and Mayors Should Do 1st April 2002 Governors and mayors should be placing terrorism on the higher end of the disaster management and overall state planning spectrum, suggests the Executive
Web sites 1st April 2002, a Web site by The Anser Institute for Homeland Security, a public service research institute, presents information regarding deterrence,
THE FACE OF HOMELAND SECURITY 1st April 2002 No sooner had Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge returned to his office following his appointment as the first head of the newly established Homeland Security
Technology To The Rescue 1st April 2002 Welcome to the first issue of Government Security. Keep reading for all the latest information about how technology can be put to work in defense of the
Young Leaders Episode 4 – Cyril Jefferson – City Councilman, High Point, North Carolina 13th October 2020
Cycling, recycling and green space: these are the top 10 most sustainable cities in the U.S. 30th August 2024