News Of The Weird - April 18, 2004News Of The Weird - April 18, 2004
Bizarre but true stories about real people collected by syndicated columnist Chuck Shepherd. Geologist David J. Siveter of Leicester University (England)
April 19, 2004
Bizarre but true stories about real people collected by syndicated columnist Chuck Shepherd.
Geologist David J. Siveter of Leicester University (England) wrote in the journal Science in December that he and his team had found a fossil 425 million years old that is probably the oldest record of an unambiguously male animal. They named the half-inch-long shellfish Colymbosathon ecplecticos, which they said means “swimmer with a large penis,” referring to its organ that is one-fifth of its body length.
Eva Reyes, 71, the mother of convicted murderer David Maust of Hammond, Ind., said in December, upon being informed that Maust had been charged with three more murders: “I love David, but, yes, (the death penalty) would be the right thing to do for him (if convicted).” Also in December, Lynda Nixon, the mother of convicted double murderer Ian Huntley (Soham, England), told The Sun newspaper: “I believe Ian should not live after what he’s done. I truly wish we had capital punishment” (and she went on to specify an “electric chair”).
More Things You Probably Didn’t Know The first international camel beauty pageant was held in November in the Alxa League area of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region of China, according to an Associated Press dispatch, featuring nearly 100 dressed-up camels judged (by veteran herders) for the shine of their hair and the uprightness of their humps.
A Duke Medical Center study, announced in December, concluded that doses of nicotine might reduce age-associated memory impairment (“senior moments”), thus adding to the conditions (others: schizophrenia, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) that can benefit from nicotine.
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