Biodegradable hydraulic fluidBiodegradable hydraulic fluid
GreensCare Plus biodegradable hydraulic fluid lasts three times as long as equivalent-grade petroleum-based fluids, according to the company.
March 1, 2010

GreensCare Plus biodegradable hydraulic fluid lasts three times as long as equivalent-grade petroleum-based fluids, according to the company. GreensCare Plus is 100 percent synthetic, and it can directly replace petroleum-based versions. The biodegradable fluid is available for most every Jacobsen machine and comes in five-gallon containers. If a leak occurs, GreensCare Plus quickly breaks down into natural components after the area has been flushed with water. If spilled on grass, the product will completely disappear within a few days, allowing the turf to recover.
Jacobsen, a Textron company, Charlotte, N.C.
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