FirstNet Authority CTO highlights coverage-extension efforts as initial Band 14 buildout nears completionFirstNet Authority CTO highlights coverage-extension efforts as initial Band 14 buildout nears completion
FirstNet Authority CTO highlights coverage-extension efforts as initial Band 14 buildout nears completion
June 21, 2022

With AT&T almost done deploying the initial contracted FirstNet 700 MHz Band 14 infrastructure, the FirstNet Authority increasingly is focusing on solutions that will let public-safety users access the nationwide public-safety broadband network (NPSBN) when outside of terrestrial system, according to FirstNet officials.
FirstNet Authority CTO Jeff Bratcher said that NPSBN contractor AT&T repeatedly has “exceeded expectations” in its Band 14 deployment, which is more than 95% complete. Contracted to be finished next March, this initial buildout phase likely is expected be completed later this year, according to an AT&T filing with the SEC.
Completion of this initial Band 14 deployment will be a big milestone, but FirstNet Authority officials have been busy planning for future development of the NPSBN, Bratcher said.
“It’s not done by any means,” Bratcher said this week during a presentation at the PSCR 2022 Broadband Stakeholder Meeting in San Diego. “We’re [almost] through the first phase with the initial $6.5 billion as part of auction proceeds. We’re now moving to that reinvestment phase and what we’re going to do with the network in the future—evolving it with new applications, 5G and other use cases.”
A key focus is proving solutions that make the FirstNet system available to public safety in locations beyond the coverage footprint of the fixed terrestrial network, Bratcher said.
For such outdoor scenarios, FirstNet has long provided AT&T-staffed deployables—primarily SatCOLTs, but also LTE drones and an LTE blimp—but the option of versatile, agency-owned Compact Rapid Deployables (CRDs) has proven to be very popular in the public-safety community, Bratcher said during an interview with IWCE’s Urgent Communications.
“One thing we have learned is the tremendous success of the Compact Rapid Deployable [CRD, built by Rescue 42],” Bratcher said. “Public safety loves bringing it with them. [Public safety officials say,] ‘Let us bring the network, and we can turn it up.’ It’s two switches to power on.”
For years, first-responder representatives have sought to duplicate the performance of land-mobile-radio (LMR) technology when not connected to a terrestrial network. However, the range of LTE device-to-device offerings like proximity services (ProSe) have paled in comparison to those found in LMR, which typically boasts handsets that operate at much higher power levels, have external antennas, and often leverage airwaves with better propagation characteristics.
But the success of CRDs—now about to support high-powered user equipment (HPUE)—and other easily deployable “bring the network with you” solutions may cause the FirstNet Authority and other first-responder entities to revisit the ever-present issue by asking new questions that should be explored, according to Bratcher.
“If they can bring the network with them where they’re at, do they really need a dedicated off-network [solution]?” he said. “Or is it a reach-back functionality through hops? There are all of those concepts being talked about in how we can enable that. Public safety’s feedback is, ‘We need some type of capability’ [in off-network scenarios].”
Bratcher said that FirstNet Authority continues to explore future options, issuing a request for information (RFI) last year about off-network alternatives.
In addition, FirstNet officials are monitoring progress by companies like Lynk Global and AST SpaceMobile, both of which plan to partner with commercial wireless carriers and provide supplemental LTE coverage to unmodified smart devices using the carrier’s sub-1 GHz spectrum via LEO satellites that act as cell towers in space. Both companies have announced multiple carrier partners and plan to provide broadband service globally in the next three years.
AT&T recently confirmed that it will participate in AST SpaceMobile tests that will include operation on the Band 14 spectrum licensed to the FirstNet Authority.
“We’re interested in all of those capabilities, for sure,” Bratcher said. “We’ve done market-research meetings with several different companies—those [Lynk and AST SpaceMobile] included—and let them know what we want to see down the line. That’s why we worked with AT&T on some of these feasibility studies.
“We’re excited to see what that potential could be.”
Meanwhile, the FirstNet Authority also is taking steps to tackle the other major access issue: in-building coverage.
Last month, FirstNet Authority board members approved the use of reinvestment funds to help pay for the deployment of AT&T’s Cell Booster Pro solution to provide Band 14 FirstNet coverage inside public-safety facilities like police stations and fire stations.
Bratcher said he believes the Cell Booster Pro also could be an option for smaller facilities that want—or may be required—to provide in-building FirstNet coverage without investing in an expensive in-building communications system that may be difficult to retrofit into an existing structure.
“Absolutely,” Bratcher said. “Anywhere we can get Band 14 in there. This is another option in the toolbox now that’s economical, and it’s a commercial product—you can order it today. AT&T also has a commercial-focused version that you can buy, too.
“But the Band 14 one supports all of our services. It’s better than Wi-Fi, because you don’t get the priority and preemption over unlicensed Wi-Fi systems. We’re really excited, and our investment will help with our primary users, to spur getting those out where they’re needed.”
Editor’s note: This article first appeared on IWCE’s Urgent Communication.