Tax fraud detection
The LexisNexis Homestead Exemption Fraud Detection Solution helps local governments detect and prioritize the most probable cases of tax fraud. Agencies
The LexisNexis Homestead Exemption Fraud Detection Solution helps local governments detect and prioritize the most probable cases of tax fraud. Agencies submit large batches of data, and the solution runs the data against 20,000 public and proprietary databases, so likely cases of homestead exemption fraud are isolated and flagged. Hallandale Beach, Fla., used the solution and discovered 6.9 percent of homestead exemptions filed were fraudulent. As a result, the city collected $1.2 million in back taxes and restored $36.5 million in current value to the tax roll. In 2011, approximately another $2 million will be restored.
LexisNexis, New York, N.Y.
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