Transportable fuel tanks
The double-walled Transcube tanks provide 110-percent secondary containment of the inner container's total capacity to eliminate the risk of spills and
The double-walled Transcube tanks provide 110-percent secondary containment of the inner container’s total capacity to eliminate the risk of spills and contamination, and are suited for equipment and power fleets, fuel depots, and construction, grounds, parks, public works and offshore applications. All fill ports, pumps, fittings and connections are housed at the top of the tank within the secondary containment area. The tanks are capable of feeding up to three generators and refueling equipment at the same time. They are DOT-approved for road transportation and UL 142- certified for safe diesel fuel storage.
Transcube, Norwalk, Conn.
Circle 192 on Reader Service Card or visit
Tags: Public Works & Utilities