Shade shelter
The Millennium Trellis, a new product in the Poligon shade shelter line, has customizable frame heights and lengths with a Poli-5000 powder-coated steel frame.
The Millennium Trellis, a new product in the Poligon shade shelter line, has customizable frame heights and lengths with a Poli-5000 powder-coated steel frame. The trellis shelter can be used for parks, public gardens, athletic complexes, waterparks and for commercial and residential purposes. Trellis design choices include integrated benches, plant-climbing panels, three styles of truss end options, windscreens and custom columns. Options include steel flags and customizable corbel ornamentation. Choose from 28 standard powder-coat colors; custom colors are available.
PorterCorp, Holland, Mich.
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Tags: Public Works & Utilities