Utility vehicle
The Gator XUV 825i Crossover Utility Vehicle has a 50-horsepower, 3-cylinder engine for tough tasks, trails and terrain. The unit can travel at speeds
The Gator XUV 825i Crossover Utility Vehicle has a 50-horsepower, 3-cylinder engine for tough tasks, trails and terrain. The unit can travel at speeds up to 44 mph. The Gator XUV features 1,500 pounds of towing and 1,400 pounds of payload capacity. The vehicle offers side-hill stability with either no-load or maximum cargo. A hybrid metal and composite cargo box offers 16.4 cubic feet of capacity.
John Deere, Cary, N.C.
Circle 161 on Reader Service Card or visit freeproductinfo.net/gn
Tags: Public Works & Utilities