Track chipper
The Bandit Model 3090 Track Chipper, for land clearing and logging, has a 30-inch-capacity chipper, a large operator's cab with rear entry, an emergency
The Bandit Model 3090 Track Chipper, for land clearing and logging, has a 30-inch-capacity chipper, a large operator’s cab with rear entry, an emergency escape door and a pop-out escape window. Other features include heat and air conditioning, as well as AC/DC current for operating a laptop or CD player. The chipper fills a 30-ton chip trailer in less than 15 minutes, according to the manufacturer, and has a Cat325EL undercarriage and a backhoe-style loader that is equipped with a 360-degree bypass grapple. Engine options up to 630 horsepower are available.
Bandit Industries, Remus, Mich.
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