Mobile snowmelter
The SND850 snowmelter safely maneuvers in spaces like shopping plazas and the top deck of parking garages. The snowmelter is 16 feet long, 6 feet 3 inches
The SND850 snowmelter safely maneuvers in spaces like shopping plazas and the top deck of parking garages. The snowmelter is 16 feet long, 6 feet 3 inches wide, and 6 feet 2 inches high. Combined with a reduced weight (10,000 pounds including fuel and water), the compact design allows the SND850 to melt 18 tons of snow per hour in tight spaces. Trucks the size of a Ford 150 or Dodge Ram 1500 or higher can tow the dual-axle melter.
Snow Dragon Snowmelters, Cleveland, Ohio
Circle 309 on Reader Service Card or visit
Tags: Public Works & Utilities