Hard-floor cleaning system
The Shark 2-in-1 Vac-then-Steam cleans bare floors in two steps with one device.
The Shark 2-in-1 Vac-then-Steam cleans bare floors in two steps with one device. Following the use of the vacuum on a hard floor, users convert the Vac-then-Steam to mop mode by flipping a switch and attaching the steam frame. The mop uses chemical-free steam combined with microfiber cleaning pads. The machine-washable microfiber cleaning pads include the all-purpose scrubbing pad constructed to reach deep crevices in hardwood floors. For big cleaning jobs, a heavy-duty cleaning pad features extra absorbency. The 2-in-1 Vac-then-Steam comes equipped with two dust cup replacement filters, a fill cup and funnel.
Euro-Pro, Newton, Mass.
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