Excavation equipment
Vac-Con has released a four-page brochure on its X-Cavator vacuum truck. The X-Cavator's vacuum and high-pressure water system can be used for trenching;
Vac-Con has released a four-page brochure on its X-Cavator vacuum truck. The X-Cavator’s vacuum and high-pressure water system can be used for trenching; potholing/daylighting; exposing utilities; highway and street repairs; water and sewer repairs; long distance and congested area excavation; work on oil and gas distribution lines; and propane and gas tank remediation. The brochure features images of the X-Cavator’s three available configurations: Single Axle VX390LH/800, Tandem Axle VX312LHE/1100 and Tandem Axle VX312LHE/1300. Also, the brochure lists other specifications for the vehicle.
Vac-Con, Green Cove Springs, Fla.
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Tags: Public Works & Utilities