Air compressor
The Platinum Series P185 portable rotary-screw air compressor provides 185 cfm at 100 to 125 psi. Either a 48-horsepower Interim Tier 4-compliant John
The Platinum Series P185 portable rotary-screw air compressor provides 185 cfm at 100 to 125 psi. Either a 48-horsepower Interim Tier 4-compliant John Deere or Yanmar diesel engine powers the unit. Fuel efficiency has been increased by 21 percent on the compressor, providing a 10-hour, full-load runtime on one tank of fuel. Cooling capacity and altitude performance have been improved to make the compressor perform efficiently in more geographic areas. The noise level of the P185 air compressor has been reduced by 50 percent compared to previous models.
Doosan Infracore Portable Power, Statesville, N.C.
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