Golf-hole painting system
The E-ZEE White Hole Whitener system simplifies painting the 1-inch area above the golf cup.
The E-ZEE White Hole Whitener system simplifies painting the 1-inch area above the golf cup. The hole-painting tool is one piece, requires no assembly and has a built-in shield to protect the cup and the green from overspray. The hole-whitener tool and paint are available separately or in a starter kit, which includes the tool and six 15-ounce cans of paint.
Standard Golf, Cedar Falls, Iowa
Circle 190 on Reader Service Card or visit
Tags: Public Works & Utilities
Since having a returned email
Since having a returned email to the Standard Golf Company, am I to assume that they have gone out of business, and you are selling their merchandise?
Mr. Whitford – if you will
Mr. Whitford – if you will notice, this post is dated 2010. The company may have gone out of business since that time, but the post itself dates back three years.