Misting/fogging pump
The compact 1CX misting pump is designed for industrial-grade applications, including insect control, nursery moisture control and dust suppression.
The compact 1CX misting pump is designed for industrial-grade applications, including insect control, nursery moisture control and dust suppression. To ensure durability, the pumps have a forged brass manifold and solid ceramic plungers. Three performance levels are available, with 0.13-, 0.25- or 0.5-gpm outputs and pressure up to 1,000 psi. Different pressures can be selected and maintained with a brass regulator that protects against overpressure. Each pump can be fitted with a ¼- or ½-horsepower single-phase motor with capacitors. Four-position head mounting allows integration with OEM equipment designs.
Cat Pumps, Minneapolis, Minn.
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