The Performance Intrinsic Tactical headlamp offers hands-free capabilities in dark, hazardous environments. Bomb squads, firefighters, hazmat departments, sanitation and water districts, marine repair crews and police are all potential users. It is rated UL-913 Class 1, Division 1, Groups A-D, T6. The 24 white LED configuration offers a light output of 44.2 Lumen. The 45-degree quick tilt feature enables adjustment of the light when needed to reduce head and neck strain in difficult environments. The headlamp is safe for hydrogen and acetylene environments. The product weighs 10.1 ounces, and weight is distributed evenly on a hard hat or helmet. An included silicone strap and optional accessory side clips more securely fasten the headlamp to a hard hat. The headlamp is powered with four AA batteries and offers up to 20 hours of usable light.
FoxFury, Vista, Calif.
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