Vehicle lift inspection
Rotary Lift’s Inspect to Protect lift inspection program helps governments find qualified lift inspectors. The company equips its Inspect to Protect program providers with inspection checklists that detail what should be inspected on all of its lift models. At the conclusion of every inspection, customers receive an inspection certificate signed by the lift inspector that details what was found during the inspection, any adjustments made, and parts replaced for each lift. This inspection certificate can be posted on the lift in a literature pouch, or it can be stored with other lift records. Many state codes and regulations require that vehicle lifts be professionally inspected by qualified lift inspectors at least once a year. Each participating Inspect to Protect company has inspectors on staff who meet all of the requirements for a qualified lift inspector outlined in the ANSI national standard. The Rotary Lift Inspect to Protect program runs through Dec. 31, 2009.
Rotary Lift, Madison, Ind.
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