Recycled-content calculation worksheets
Customized worksheets calculate recycled-content levels in Tate's All Steel, ConCore and Woodcore flooring panels, pedestal heads and bases, and stringers.
Customized worksheets calculate recycled-content levels in Tate’s All Steel, ConCore and Woodcore flooring panels, pedestal heads and bases, and stringers. The worksheets feature drop-down menu options for panel and understructure selection, automatically populate a print-ready form with data on all post-consumer and post-industrial content, and lastly, insert all necessary documentation for submittal under LEED v. 2.2 for Materials and Resources Credit 4. All Tate’s office floor and data center systems contain recycled content in excess of the 20 percent (post-consumer + half pre-consumer) credit requirement.
Tate, Jessup, Md.
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