Wireless driveway monitor
If a vehicle is detected within 12 feet of the STI-30150 Wireless Driveway Monitor, building occupants are notified via wireless signal with a chime and flashing red light.
If a vehicle is detected within 12 feet of the STI-30150 Wireless Driveway Monitor, building occupants are notified via wireless signal with a chime and flashing red light. A magnetometer inside the driveway sensor is triggered whenever large metallic objects enter its range, eliminating unnecessary alarms from passing people, shadows or animals. For accurate monitoring and warning transmittal, the sensor should be placed within 1,000 feet of the indoor receiver and be mounted 4 to 8 feet off the ground. When multiple monitors are installed to cover larger areas, distinct chime sounds help identify the vehicle’s location.
Safety Technology International, Waterford, Mich.
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