Water-based parts cleaner
The new Oil Eater 45-gallon water-based parts cleaner features a thermostat pre-set to deliver a cleaning temperature of 110 degrees Fahrenheit. The cleaner’s 1,000-watt heater shortens heat-up time, and the filter system keeps the solution clean, which prolongs fluid life, according to the manufacturer. The unit is made of heavy-duty, industrial-grade, high-density polyethylene plastic. Other key features include separate heater and pump switches with lighted on/off indicators, industrial grade pumps with Viton seals, a flexible spigot and hi-flex nylon flow-thru brush, and a stainless steel work shelf. The parts cleaner comes ready to use with Oil Eater Cleaner-Degreaser solution. It measures 24 inches wide by 31 inches long by 9 inches deep. A 19-gallon version, with identical features, measures 19 inches wide by 29 inches long by 15 inches deep.
Kafko International, Skokie, Ill.
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