Lidded tilt trucks
When outfitted with an optional lid, PolyTrux totally encloses unsightly and/or potentially infectious contents and reduces odors.
When outfitted with an optional lid, PolyTrux totally encloses unsightly and/or potentially infectious contents and reduces odors. Unlike open containers, the lidded trucks prevent material from being precariously piled or stacked, promoting discreet, safe transport of soiled laundry, refuse, medical waste and other materials through high-traffic areas, including hospitals, nursing homes and schools. Six different cart models, all made from polyethylene, handle loads up to 2,000 pounds. Other options include tow-hitch attachment, custom graphics and brakes.
Meese Orbitron Dunne, Ashtabula, Ohio
Circle 309 on Reader Service Card or visit
Tags: Public Works & Utilities