Designed to support voice/data cable, fiber optics, coax and flexible conduit, the Cable Cage Polypropylene (or CCP) Series J-Hooks (numbers CCP32-100, CCP32W-100, CCP32AC-100) are made with an integral latch for stress-free cable support. One- and three-inch hooks (CCP16 and CCP48) are also available. CCP Series J-Hooks combine a steel design with a polypropylene over-mold to reduce friction when pulling bundles of cables. The product has a molded-in bail latch to lock cables in place. Designed for use in plenum environments and typically used above suspended ceilings or below raised floors, the components allow for custom cable spacing support and horizontal to vertical changes in direction. Made from galvanized steel with a yellow zinc chromate finish, the CCP32 is for mounting to walls, the CCP32AC is for mounting to ceilings, and the CCP32W is a batwing design for mounting to ceiling wire or threaded rod.
Platinum Tools, Moorpark, Calif.
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