Brush chipper
The Beever M6R brush chipper, previously called the Clipper 6, is now equipped with a 2-knife machined rotor, larger tires, 180-degree silo swivel discharge and direct drive with belt power transfer. The Beever M6R has a 6-inch capacity rotary chipper and features reduced space between the rotor and feed wheel. It has a 12-inch diameter rotor with a removable drum shaft and ½-inch thick, dual-edged knives that allow full knife coverage with even knife wear. Chipper knives are held in place using four Grade-8 hex-head bolts, as an alternative to shoulder bolts with washers and lock nuts. The Beever M6R is direct driven from a Kohler 27-horsepower gasoline engine with belt power transfer.
Morbark, Winn, Mich.
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