Reader Survey Results: Older workers want to hang on to their current jobs
According to an online survey conducted in May, American City & County’s readers are altering their retirement plans as a result of economic conditions. Nearly one-quarter (23 percent) of the 368 respondents report that they are of retirement age but do not plan to retire in the next year or two. Of those who are delaying retirement, the greatest numbers work in administrative positions (37 percent) and in communities with fewer than 50,000 residents (45 percent).
Another 14 percent of the survey’s respondents are of retirement age and still plan to retire in the next 12 to 24 months. Only 4 percent report having early retirement plans, and more than half (58 percent) report that they are not of retirement age and do not plan to retire anytime soon.
Data from the Government Employee Retirement Plans Survey
Which of the following best describes your plans for retirement in the next 12 to 24 months?
- I am not of retirement age and do not plan to retire in the next 12-24 months: 58%
- I am/will be of retirement age, but do not plan to retire in the next 12-24 months: 23%
- I am/will be of retirement age and do plan to retire in the next 12-24 months: 14%
- I am not of retirement age, but do plan to take early retirement in the next 12-24 months: 4%
- No answer: 2%
Those who are delaying retirement work for:
Government unit
- Municipal: 70%
- County: 17%
- Other: 13%
- Under 50,000: 45%
- 50,000-249,999: 39%
- 250,000 or more: 17%
Government department
- Administration: 37%
- Public Works: 27%
- Public Safety: 16%
- Water: 4%
- Other: 17%