Rain Bird seeks nominations for Intelligent Use of Water Awards
Azusa, Calif.-based Rain Bird is seeking nominations for its 2009 Intelligent Use of Water Awards. The competition seeks to promote and recognize water conservation programs.
The competition this year will include two awards, the Leadership Award and the State of the Union Award. The Leadership Award will recognize an organization or individual who has shown leadership in implementing innovative policies in landscape water-efficiency practice, while the State of the Union Award recognizes city and state water agencies that excel in water efficiency and conservation programs.
The winner of the Leadership Award will receive $10,000 and will be featured in a short film. Five winners of the State of the Union Award will be made panelists for Rain Bird’s Intelligent Use of Water Summit XI, scheduled for April 2010 at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.
July 31 is the deadline for submitting nominations for both awards. Nominations can be submitted at http://www.rainbird.com/iuow/award.htm.