Company offers free virtualization server assessments
Vernon Hills, Ill.-based CDW Government (CDW-G) is offering local governments free assessments to determine if they would benefit from server virtualization, the division of a server into several subsystems. Interested parties can use a self-guided kit or employ the company’s virtualization assessment team for a more in-depth analysis.
In general, virtualization reduces costs by making better use of individual servers, which usually use only 5 to 15 percent of their capacity, according to the company. The assessments can help local officials determine which of their servers are the best candidates for virtualization and other benefits the process may offer.
The Self-Guided Assessment (SGA) kit comes with instructions for installing a data collection tool that allows the user to manage the installation and data collection at their own pace before sending the information to the company’s server/storage specialists for analysis. With the Server Virtualization Assessment (SVA), the assessment team installs the data collection tool in more complex systems that involve a large server population or multiple data centers.