Electronic applications ease county’s planning process
Switching to an all-electronic development plan application process is saving the Hillsborough County, Fla., Planning & Growth Management Department (PGMD) time and money. Developers now submit their proposals on flash drives, using forms they download from the county’s Web site.
PGMD staff worked with local engineers, developers and outside agencies that use the new system to design the new procedures. After using the county’s Web site to download the necessary forms and formatting their flash drives, applicants only have to submit the drive plus seven sets or less of hardcopy plans instead of the 19 hardcopy plans and various forms as previously required. PGMD staff also can review the plans before the developers leave the department to make sure everything is correct. “This has taken a manual process and turned it into a technology-driven process,” said Hillsborough County Impact Fee Manager Shawn Perrine in a statement.