Fix a flat tire and plant a tree at the same time
Arnco, a South Gate, Calif.-based maker of tire-flatproofing products, will plant a tree each time its customers buy a tote container of its ecofil product through its dealers. The company is working with American Forests, a nonprofit citizens’ conservation organization, on the “One Tote, One Tree” project. Government agencies can participate in the program.
Ecofil is a flatproofing material that consumes 50 percent less petrochemicals by using renewable and environmentally based components in the production process, according to the company, which spells the product “ecofil” with a lowercase “e.”
“Through this partnership,” company President Larry Carapellotti said, “Arnco will plant a minimum of 15,000 new trees annually and will donate to the research that is paramount to understanding the sustainability of our environment.”
For updates on how many trees have been planted and for information on offsetting carbon outputs, visit