New York State Pursues Clean Energy Goals
Governor Eliot Spitzer has announced a comprehensive plan for reducing energy costs and curbing pollution in New York State. The plan focuses on energy efficiency, conservation, and investment in renewable energy sources as the keys to achieving economic and environmental goals.
“Nowhere is the need for a creative new approach more apparent than in our energy sector,” Spitzer said. “We have some of the highest electricity costs in the nation and our thinking on energy policy is as outmoded as our aging power plants.” The governor believes that the state can make real progress toward economic and environmental goals with a comprehensive program that focuses on energy efficiency, conservation, and investment in new technology.
Under the new plan, New York State will reduce electricity use by 15 percent from forecasted levels by the year 2015 through new energy efficiency programs in industry and government. The state government will create new appliance efficiency standards and set more rigorous energy building codes.
Governor Spitzer proposes to invest $295 million for renewable energy projects throughout the state. He will propose power plant siting legislation that creates an expedited review process for new wind power projects, re-powering projects that reduce emissions, and other power plants that have very low levels of carbon dioxide emissions. The overall plan has been met with approval from the energy industry and environmental organizations.