Homeland Security Tests First Responder Credential Capabilities
The Department of Homeland Security Office of National Capital Region Coordination (DHS ONCRC) and the Department of Defense Pentagon Force Protection Agency (DoD PFPA) recently joined public and private sector participants in a demonstration to validate the functionality of the First Responder Authentication Credential (FRAC). The demonstration, known as Winter Storm, was a multijurisdictional test to verify the integration and interoperability of credential system attributes such as qualifications, authorizations, certifications, and privileges.
More than 50 organizations in over 20 locations across the United States, including the National Capital Region, actively participated in Winter Storm. Participants and observers viewed details on a commercially available mapping program that gave local, regional, and nationwide emergency operation centers real-time situational awareness of first responders.
Winter Storm is a follow-up event to Winter Fox, a multijurisdictional demonstration co-hosted by DHS ONCRC and DoD PFPA in February 2006 that tested the interoperability and usability of the credential system through simulated emergency incidents at federal, state, and local facilities. Both demonstrations are part of the DHS’ First Responder Partnership Initiative that is working to provide federal and non-federal first responders with a standardized identity management process and common credential that will enable access to government buildings and incident areas in the event of a terrorist attack or other all hazards events.
Since September 11, there has been a critical demand for a common authentication credential for first responders; not only during an all-hazards event, but day-to-day for physical and logical access. The ONCRC has made great strides to advance the credentialing program through the cultivation of interagency and multijurisdictional partnerships with federal and non-federal agencies.
The ONCRC oversees and coordinates federal programs for and relationships with state, local, and regional authorities in the National Capital Region. It is responsible for a total of 6,000 sq. mi. of the National Capital Region, including 12 local jurisdictions, two states, the District of Columbia, three branches of federal government, 231 federal departments and agencies, and 340,000 federal employees.