Sterilizer Protects Against Airborne Microorganisms
To sterilize indoor air, install BioProtector Model BP246i in HVAC duct work. Air sterilizer’s very high intensity, Advanced UV System (AUVS) kills airborne microorganisms. Unit accommodates nominal airflow volume of 3,500 c.f.m. up to 7,000 c.f.m. Measures 24 by 48 by 72 ins. and weighs approximately 250 lbs. If necessary, unit can operate continuously 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Replacement interval for the uv. source is 16,000 hrs. For continuous operation, this equates to a uv.-source replacement interval of approximately once every 2 yrs. BioProtector kills resistant endospores, viruses, and vegetative microorganisms. Unit can be retrofitted into existing HVAC systems without increasing the fan power or reinforcing ducting. Novatron, Inc., San Diego, CA