City Automates Citation Process for Officers in the Field
City Automates Citation Process for Officers in the Field
By adding citation and parking modules to a mobile information system, the Police Department in Garden City, NY, is one of only a few states that have standardized citation forms and data capture. The new system supports traffic, criminal and parking violation citations in a wireless environment. Basic functionality includes barcode or magnetic stripe input, auto-population of fields from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The system also supports look-up of National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and all available state databases.
In the coming weeks Garden City will deploy a handheld citation package that connects wirelessly to a back end database, as does the citation module with auto-generation of citation numbers, auto-population of data from NCIC returns from DMV, and electronic links to the DMV and court system.
“The modules provide a level of efficiency never achieved before in our department. In the first few days of operation, we had more than a 100% increase in tickets issued. The new system is much more efficient as it requires less data entry and also provides for electronic transfer to DMV and local courts,” said Police Department Lieutenant Joseph Lennon. “Our officers have quick access to the system, and still see CAD dispatches and other.”
The city implemented PacketCluster Patrol mobile information system by BIO-key International Inc., a provider of finger-based biometric identification and wireless public safety solutions. The next phase of the implementation will include PocketBlue hand-held application.
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