Utica To Track Criminals’ Fingerprints
The Automatic Fingerprints Identification System, to be installed this month at Utica police departments, will enable officers to identify suspects who lie about their identities.
The system converts a fingerprint to a digital image that can be transmitted to the Oakland County Sheriff’s Department and on to the Michigan State Police headquarters in Lansing.
“Something that used to take eight to 10 hours would now take about 20 minutes,” says Utica Police Chief Bruce Bissonnette. “The technology has been around for five to eight years. Most of the departments around us already have it.”
In addition, Utica will be able to send information to other local police departments with the equipment.
While the cost of installing the equipment is $69,000, the city will pay $17,250, and the rest will be paid by a Court Law Enforcement Management Information Systems grant.
Abstracted by the National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center(NLECTC) from the Detroit News (04/09/03) P. 1M; Sekhar, Anjali J.