Getting There
The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority has voted its intent to award a $138.9 million contract to Woodland Hills, Calif.-based North American Bus Industries for 200, 60-foot low-floor buses powered by compressed natural gas. The contract is contingent upon available state funding.
The Municipal Transportation Agency (San Francisco) has contracted with a joint venture of New York-based Parsons Brinckerhoff and San Francisco-based PGH Wong Engineering to design an extension of the Muni Metro Third Street light-rail line. Preliminary design is slated for completion in 2005.
Plugged In
West Jordan, Utah, has contracted with Victoria, British Columbia, Canada-based Municipal Software to provide CityView 8.NET Enterprise software to automate the city’s permitting, building, planning and engineering processes.
The city and county of Honolulu has contracted with Sacramento, Calif.-based RecWare to provide software to automate its parks and recreation operations.
Lima, Ohio, has contracted with St. Louis-based Government e-Management Solutions to provide 19 financial, human resource and property software programs.
Glen Falls, N.Y., and the Glen Falls Metropolitan Planning Organization have contracted with Columbia, S.C.-based Wilbur Smith Associates to conduct a feasibility study and analysis for a downtown transportation center and parking ramp. The center would provide a transit hub for the Greater Glen Falls Transit system.
Collin County, Texas, has contracted with North Canton, Ohio-based Diebold Election Systems to provide between 700 to 1,000 touch-screen voting stations. Pending final details, the value of the contract will be between $2.7 million and $3.7 million.